Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm still here!...

Kejimkujik Lake, at Peter Point Beach. 21 April 2007.

Boy, have I been slack with posting. And with art, as well. I've worked on a few things these past two weeks, including a few stones. I tried carving a chunk of raw amethyst I found on the North shore a few years ago, but found out that it's too hard to carve. I burnt out three diamond bits right away, and barely made a scratch on the stone.
I have been outdoors since last Friday enjoying the beautiful spring weather we've finally been treated to. The photo above is from a ladies-only hike into Keji I took with four friends on Saturday. It was such a great day - no kids, no men, just good friends and a couple bottles of wine. My kind of hike :) . The temperature rose to 20*C, and I hiked in a t-shirt. It was really the nicest day of the year so far. And it was a lovely day to begin life - another friend delivered, with the help of a midwife at her home, a beautiful baby girl early Saturday morning. Welcome, Synia!
So, please forgive my slackness, dear readers, for spring has finally arrived, and spring fever has struck full force. I hope to be back soon with something more to post.


"JeanneG" said...

Glad to see you post again. I have missed you. Glad you are enjoying the weather. Ours today was 99 degrees F. Pretty hot but we get over 100 in summer. Very nice springlike weather in the mornings tho.

Jo Castillo said...

Monica, Your stones are lovely and earthy. This photo is beautiful. Nova Scotia is beautiful.