Friday, January 26, 2007

Brrrr... snowed in today

I've been down with a virus this week, so haven't felt much like painting, and the art I have made is secret and I can't show you (yet) ;-) . I am involved in an Art Trading Card exchange. ATC's are miniature art works 2.5" x 3.5", or the standard size of sports trading cards. Twenty six people from all over the world are involved in this project. We each have six months to produce 25 cards, and mail each one to each of the other 25 on the list, aiming for a card a week. In return, we will each receive 25 cards. I have made two cards, but couldn't get to the post to mail them today. I don't want to show them here until they have been received by their recipients.

You can see from the photos I've added why I didn't go out today. The roads were bad, with whiteout conditions. And the -25* C windchill made it a c-c-cold day to be out of doors.

Smoke on the water

(The wind chill temperature is low enough that it causes vapor to rise from the water)


Anonymous said...

I now have the answer about the question asked a few days ago during Scavenger Hunt about weather...
And, I fear, no news from whales by these days...


Anonymous said...

hey sis,,,looks like you took that pic today ( feb, 19th, 2007)...miss ya all,,,keep up the good work